Welcome to the Alamogordo FTC Scrimmage!
Hi Teams!
Welcome to the NM FTC Alamogordo Scrimmage, our first FTC event of the season!
Here is the Welcome Letter (updated Dec 5) with details and instructions for attending the scrimmage.
Welcome 2024-25 Alamogordo-final2
I have the following teams showing as registered on our website for this event:
7813 Alpha Hawks, Los Alamos
10348 Gear Masters, Albuquerque
12275 High Country Robotics, Cloudcroft
16265 ENIGMA, Albuquerque
18341 MechRams, Mexico
19010 A.S.T.R.O. Scorpions, Alamogordo
21797 Hack City Robotics, Albuquerque
22095 Rosa Robos, Tularosa
23794 Mighty Mighty Wildcats, Tularosa
23974 A.S.T.R.O. Vikings, Alamogordo
27585 TechRams, Mexico
If you are planning to come to this event and don’t see your team listed, please register by Monday Dec 2 on our website at:
Alamogordo, NM Scrimmage | NM FTC
If you are listed and know you won’t be attending, please email me at nmftcinfo@gmail.com and let me know.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Jim & Heather